U.S. egotism

To the editor:

I definitely agree with Doug Hitt, Public Forum, Feb. 14, “Wise solution”! Why are we in such a race to wage a war based on “our” fear? Are we that egotistical of a country that we feel we have the right to place people of another nation in fear?

Do we really believe we are right and justified in sacrificing their lives based on our fear of what “might” happen to ourselves? Have we not shed enough blood from 9-11? Are we ready to sacrifice more blood for temporary relief from our own fear?

Do we really believe disarming and taking control of Iraq will nullify the feelings of hatred and anger? Or do we feel that justified in molding another country into a nation that serves its purpose for us? No wonder we live up to our reputation we have earned from the hatred that comes our way!

I have yet to hear the Bush administration address the true underlying reasons for all the hatred and anger toward the United States. Why are we refusing to discuss the heart of the problem? Perhaps taking time to look into our foreign policy and solving the issue of anger may hold the key to a better future.

The true losers and our biggest failure as a result of war is the children of the world. We are failing to teach them how to resolve issues of conflict without the use of violence. How can we ever expect our children to make a difference when as adults we fail to learn ourselves?

Jean Johnson,
