Peace message

To the editor:

This public letter is written to the person or persons who trespassed into my front yard and stole my “Peace Is Patriotic-No War” sign. I can only imagine what led you to such an act, but I would suggest that if you have a different view of the world situation you speak that view rather than try to silence the voice of those with whom you disagree. Put a sign in your yard that expresses your opinion. Stand on a street corner and pass out leaflets to passers-by. Engage in honest debate with others about the issue. In other words, shine the light of public discourse on your arguments rather than sneak in the dark to shut down the words and views of others.

In this democracy of ours, under the First Amendment to the Constitution, we all have the right to speak and express our views about all matter of issues. I suggest the next time you are faced with words or ideas with which you disagree, you find your voice and engage in the discussion rather than trample the rights of those of us with whom you differ.

I do think you should know that your act of vandalism led to a spontaneous lesson in moral and civic behavior for my 2-year-old daughter. She asked what happened to “our sign.” By her words and actions, I have absolutely no doubt that she understood that some person or persons had come into her yard and taken something that did not belong to them and that such behavior was wrong. I am nearly as certain that after our ensuing conversation, she also understood that in this country, at least for now, no one can stop us from speaking out.

Peace Is Patriotic-No War.

Janine Cox,
