Drunk on war

To the editor:

Mr. Bush is absolutely drunk on war with Iraq, which is NOT supported by the populations of the world nor of this country. And I think it plays such a sad song for humanity that all we really know how to do and do well is commit murder.

When the planes flew on that September day (9-11) they were flown against our government, not us, the people. But we, the people, have let our government go bad. We asked for everything we got by not keeping our government accountable for its actions. And what we’ve got is pretty crummy. Our government’s foreign policy has been slaughtering innocent people long, long before the planes flew. We fail to hold our government responsible for ITS crimes and recklessness so what happened is that someone else did that for us on September the 11th. Truthfully, people get what they deserve.

Sandra McCarren,
