Renter responds

To the editor:

I am writing in response to Charlotte Muckey’s letter regarding renters. I would like to speak on behalf of all the responsible people in this town who are forced to rent because of the inflated price of real estate in Lawrence.

I live by myself in the Centennial Neighborhood. I was born right around the corner and lived in this neighborhood for 23 years before moving to one of the most expensive areas of the United States. Seven years ago I returned to Lawrence with hopes of being able to buy a house in my hometown. No such luck.

I pay substantial rent for the “privilege” of living in Lawrence. I care for my house as if it were truly my own home. Last fall, I raked 23 bags of leaves that fell in my yard from my neighbors’ trees. I don’t complain, and I am quiet and respectful of my neighbors and this beautiful neighborhood.

I would like to thank the Centennial Neighborhood Assn. for tattling on me to the city before my landlord even had a chance to register my house for inspection. How you even knew I was renting is a little disturbing to me. And, incidentally, stop putting your newsletter in my mailbox. In doing so, you are breaking federal law.

For those of you who are fortunate enough to own your homes, be patient. Perhaps someday there will be a sign posted on the edge of town that reads, “No renters allowed.”

Andrew M. Hammond,
