Film disappoints

To the editor:

Recently, I attended a movie at Southwind Twelve called “Love Actually.” I previewed the synopsis in the Journal-World, which said, “A dozen or so couples in love serve as the springboard for this intricate romantic comedy starring an ensemble that includes Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson. Although there are plenty of contrivances and coincidences, the Christmas-time movie is so good-hearted that it makes the syrupy stories easier to digest.”

Whoever wrote this synopsis must have been watching another movie, for this movie was nothing short of porn scenes, unhappiness, vulgar language and a real disaster. It made me feel sad that this is what we’ve wasted our money on. It is not only a degrading movie, it takes away from what Christmas is all about — God, love and goodness. What is happening to all of us? Have we lost our senses to what is good? It is worth speaking out against. Please speak up, Lawrence.

Fran Johnson,
