Integrity of law

To the editor:

Many people feel that governments should not be so quick to change the definition of marriage to include persons of the same sex. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that the government has as much power to declare two men married as it does to declare that the sky is green. You can legislate all you want to and even make a pretty piece of paper if it makes you happy, but marriage will always be what it has always been, just the way God created it.

The bad news is that when a government makes a law that is not based on truth, the integrity of law itself is undermined. Marriage isn’t changed and the sky stays blue, but the authority of law and integrity of government are weakened. Civil law has power only to the extent that it expresses the natural law. However, the natural is now readily ignored in favor of a new foundation for law, tolerance. Law has been reduced to a rubber stamp to approve anything and everything. You want to marry your dog? Sure. You want to adopt your pet rock? Why not? Eventually law means nothing, and government has no authority.

I find it interesting that we put a bunch of “anarchists” in jail who demand the protection of government, due process and integrity of law while our government makes laws that undermine truth to the point of making law meaningless. Who are the real anarchists?

Shawn P. Tunink,
