Stupid report

To the editor:

It is amazing to read that the team of scientists from Southwest Texas State University and Arizona State University are so pleased to display their stupidity of knowing about Kansas.

Interstate 70 was mapped out by President Eisenhower because he had seen what the Autobahns had meant to Germany. He envisioned a highway that would move people quickly across the heartland of this country — and to do it in the most economical way and without it being a toll road!

For any scientists to say that any state that was 200 miles by 400 miles was all the same altitude is quite amusing! In my home town we are at about 2,000 feet. I’m in the northwest quadrant of our great state.

I have a great challenge for them — begin at the Colorado border and bike across Kansas on Highway 36 to the Missouri border — and then you report to the newspapers how flat as a pancake Kansas is — that is, if your back and leg muscles will let you move! There is a group called Biking Across Kansas that makes similar trips in June each year from different areas of the state. Ask any of them about Kansas being as flat as a pancake. And then please publish it in all the newspapers that carried their original stupid report.

“Dorothy” has given Kansas a bad name all over the world and now to have scientists join in isn’t welcome to those of us who love this great state!

Polly Bales,
