Flag dilemma

To the editor:

The controversy about the night-lighted, oversized flag at the Heritage Baptist Church raises for me some troubling issues as a follower of Christ. I am among the first to find honor for our national flag and sincere gratitude for all persons in the history of our country who have made sacrifices to defend it. Nevertheless, I think Christ lived and died for all peoples of the world, not just those of us living in America. Would it not be better for the Heritage Baptist Church to place emphasis on the cross, and not the flag, and to pray that “May God bless the world.”

It is further disturbing to me that the polluting night lights surrounding the flag encroach on the serenity of the night sky. We all should be able to enjoy the beauty of the heavens as testimony to God’s wonderful creation. Especially in these difficult economic times, might not the $10,000 or so spent on this secular display be better spent in following the commandments of Christ to feed the hungry and take care of those in need?

Ruth Ann Guess,
