Accept system

To the editor:

This is in response to Sandy McCarren’s letter on April 21.

I was unaware that Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon had put out a playbook of stupid statements and catchy one-liners. Your statement that the United Nations is a legitimate institution is frightening. Is this the same institution that appointed Libya to be in charge of the human rights committee and Iraq in charge of the disarmament committee?

Do you realize that 40 countries supported our actions in Iraq and only four were against it? Let us also not forget that three out of the four countries that were against us had big, fat oil contracts with Saddam. We are now finding out these countries also supplied him with weapons. This is in violation of restrictions set by the U.N. — you know, the same institution you believe to be legitimate.

As for our White House and Congress, I am not sure where you have been, but the American people did exercise their right to vote and elected them. Before you say it, I know the Electoral College decided the White House. So you’re aware, that is how our system is set up. The Electoral College has decided over the popular vote only twice in our history. If it is a system you don’t like, then work to change it or shut up and deal with it.

So get it right, we the people of the United States elect our representatives, that is how our legal and legitimate system works.

M. Lindeman,
