Autism hope

To the editor:

Thanks for coverage of autism issues and Bobbie Livi’s son, Michael — a vaccine-injured child. Bobbie’s activism inspires those of us in similar straits, those trying to get the guilty toxins out of our kids’ bodies, longing to see the drug companies held accountable.

The financial strain and social burden on a family dealing with autism is tremendous. In our case, the child was adopted; we believe the birth family rushed the adoption through because of their infant’s reaction to a recent immunization. When I hunger for justice from the makers of thimerosal (mercury in vaccines), I also think of the medical practitioners who don’t do their homework on vaccine ingredients and, in our case, promoted a switch from soy to cow’s milk formula even with a known dairy allergy in the birth family. (Milk worsens symptoms in a majority of those with the disorder.)

The good news is that children and adults on the spectrum, including AD(H)D, can improve. Holistic, natural medicine — addressing toxic metals, food allergies, etc. — is the key, rather than pharmaceuticals with distressing side effects. The Community Mercantile hosts a class about healing for spectrum persons; a monthly support group meets in Lawrence to share information. Those interested in particulars can contact me at

Sue Westwind,
