Terrorism tie?

To the editor.

After reading the letter to the editor titled “Support vets,” I was rather concerned. We must, of course, support our troops who are in harm’s way, but I have grave concern with the relationship the letter’s author makes between general terrorist acts around the world and the reason for war in Iraq.

As far as we know, Iraq was not responsible for 9-11. Iraq also was not responsible for bombings of U.S. embassies and bases, the USS Cole or the cruise ship Achilles Lauro. Therefore, supporting the war in Iraq because of general terrorist acts makes no sense. Those responsible for those acts are the ones that need to be brought to justice.

With all due respect, we need to factually evaluate the reasons for this war, which is claimed to be retrieving weapons of mass destruction. If and when we do find them, then the U.S. has accomplished its goal in Iraq. We still have no evidence to support this justification. To justify war in Iraq with general statements about terrorism is a poor justification at best and is the reason so many around the world question this war. It is our responsibility to gather factual information and make decisions that are based on fact, not emotion.

And yes, support the troops. For or against the war, we want them to come home safely. We also need to think about all the innocent Iraqis who we are responsible for killing and wounding. For or against this war, we are all in some way responsible for the death of innocents. Remember, we attacked them.

Denise DeTommaso,
