Vietnam lessons

To the editor:

Vietnam produced many timid university presidents who tried to remain neutral and appease everyone. They thereby nurtured those who would undermine the legitimacy of defending our country and our freedom. Kansas University Chancellor Bob Hemenway’s “statement on military action” in the March 22 J-W may be repeating Vietnam’s mistakes.

Absent the entire statement in the paper, perhaps he also said something like this: “As a proud, American institution supported by Kansas taxpayers, we offer our prayers for the president and all service men and women. We at KU enjoy our freedom to express diverse ideas only because our military has repeatedly risen to protect our liberties. We respect and defend the rights and freedom of all. But, as an American university, we take our stand for liberty. We stand with our students and employees in the Reserve and National Guard and our alumni in the full-time military. They and their families have sacrificially answered duty’s call. We are proud of them as they protect us from the wicked men who would destroy us and our way of life.”

I truly hope Hemenway has “learned the lessons of Vietnam.”

David Upchurch,
