An easy shot?

To the editor:

Before troops were sent to Afghanistan, Bush made it clear we were there to get Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. Now, the news coverage is not of the war already in progress, but of the prospect of yet another conflict with Iraq. After a year’s time, there is no sign of bin Laden. No one knows if he is dead or alive and either way, Bush isn’t responsible.

Growing up in Texas, we used to love to shoot pool at the local YMCA. Even little kids knew that there is a certain amount of cowardice in taking the “easy shot.” Did bin Laden prove to be too difficult a shot for Bush? Will Saddam Hussein become Bush’s next election winning issue?

Maybe the next time Daddy Bush comes down to the ranch, Junior should ask him about presidents who attack Iraq in hopes of being re-elected.

Doris Stine,
