Pit bull reality

To the editor:

This letter is in response to Mrs. Russell’s objection to the shooting of Ms. Wragge’s pit bull. Give me a break!

Last March, we had two young men move in next door with five pit bulls. Do you think these animals were socialized and could be around other animals or people? We have three young boys whose safety is our main concern. Our family was harassed by these animals, and no one would do anything. We were told they had to jump over the fence or bite someone before any action would be taken. Have you ever seen how these animals attack and the scars they leave? Try living in fear in your own home.

We have a real problem with pit bull fighting in our city, and sympathy for potentially dangerous animals does not help. I say thank you to the officer who was doing his job. After all, it is protect and serve the people, not dangerous animals.

Ruth Roy,
