Abortion view

To the editor:

To Dr. Neuhaus complaining that pro-life advocates are “hypocrites” because many of them have had abortions or have relatives that have had them.

I could be included in that category. One learns from experience and mistakes, hopefully. Since my abortion, I have suffered from emotional problems, alcoholism, an eating disorder and psychological problems resulting from post-abortion syndrome. The more women I have spoken with concerning this, the more I discover I am in the majority among women who have had abortions.

Now, would you have me support other women to make a choice that will impair the quality of their life for years on end?

One parting thought: I have never met a woman who opted to bear the child who regretted her decision. I have met numerous women who regretted the decision to abort.

Tesa Becica,

Van Nuys, Calif.