Wal-Mart protest

To the editor:

From the ljworld.com Aug. 17, regarding the new Wal-Mart: “We think this will go a long way toward creating more convenience and more choices to customers on the other side of Lawrence and to the outlying areas to the north.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

In addition to the fact that I find the values of Wal-Mart deplorable; wow, it must take at least eight minutes to drive from Sixth Street and Wakarusa Drive to the current Wal-Mart? Hey, here’s a concept, put a new Wal-Mart (if we have to) north of the river to provide additional products and services to that area.

The lack of vision our city has never ceases to amaze me. Can’t we move Lawrence into the future without destroying the core values and qualities of our town? Why don’t we establish some growth boundaries, provide adequate school financing/bandwidth, and ensure small businesses in our town not only survive but thrive before we add on another huge retail store?

Lawrence is a great place; let’s ensure that as we grow, Lawrence remains great.

Wal-Mart, please go away.

Brent Flanders,
