Insightful profile

To the editor:

Does it take a religion features reporter to write an honest and thorough article on an animal activist without making them out to be a radical extremist? If it does, then congratulations to the Lawrence Journal-World and to Jim Baker for discovering this.

Baker’s article on Lawrence activist/author Judy Carman was beautifully and accurately written. What’s more, rather than feeling like he had to offer alternative views or contrasting opinions, he allowed Judy to say in her own words why she has chosen to live her life in a compassionate way and why she has made a point in reaching out to local religious leaders.

And it was interesting to hear the positive response she has gotten from these religious leaders. They would do well for themselves and their congregations to listen to what Carman has to say more compassion in this world, whether directed toward fellow humans or to animals, can only lead to a more peaceful world.

Thanks for this refreshingly insightful profile.

Mark von Schlemmer,
