Store eyesore

To the editor:

My faulty memory intervened in my plans to attend the meeting at Quail Run School, hosted by the Wal-Mart representatives. No matter, I suppose, since the purpose of the meeting was to “assuage the fears of the neighbors,” according to the reporter who attended. Translated, this means we are getting this monstrosity whether we like it or not.

If they really had the slightest interest in what the neighbors want, they would start with cleaning up that pigsty they installed on the south side. Have you looked at it lately? It is constantly awash in litter, and there has been zero effort to make it look better than the county landfill. Wal-Mart is one of the most profitable mega-corporations in the country. And it invests that wealth, not in good salaries or attractive, environmentally friendly facilities, but in hoards of lawyers employed to beat up anyone who stands in their way.

In response to the numerous legitimate concerns expressed by the neighbors about traffic, impact on other businesses, etc.; the reps could muster little more than a “no it won’t” response. The Wal-Mart reps describe walls, bricks, and other cosmetics to make this eyesore acceptable. I am reminded of the old saying, “spraying perfume on a skunk does not improve it.” The Wal-Mart Super Center is a skunk and it will stink no matter where it is located, but hold your nose, neighbors, because it is coming, no matter what you want.

Tom Bates,
