City in decline

To the editor:

Too bad! Too bad that greed, disrespect and compulsion have near destroyed our fair city (country?) Lawrence and our nation were once fair, noble and considerate of others. Now it seems law-abiding citizens are subject to the will of rude, corrupt and selfish individuals, corporations and politicians.

Total lack of planning future growth (city), arrogance of other people’s heritage, traditions and rights (city and country) and the irrational assumption that we (individuals, companies and national leaders) have the duty to inflict our will on others, have made us unAmerican. Let us all remember the lessons of our predecessors. Jesus taught us to love one another (everyone) while our forefathers professed us to be a nation under God. While our instinct to succeed and persevere is God-given, so is our responsibility to grant all others the same privilege and duty. The message has been the same for eternity. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Every one is a blessed creature. Let’s practice what we preach, people.

Hypocrites are what we’ve become and we will receive our just desserts.

David Winn,
