Backed in a corner

To the editor:

As a Democrat, I didn’t even need to stay up late to watch election results; I knew that the U.S. House and Senate would go to the Republicans. Democrats did capture the governorship, but who would want to straighten out the mess Graves has left us in. Moore barely beat an airline pilot who used attractive blond female friends on his commercials.

The Republicans outmaneuvered the Democrats by backing them into a corner. It started out with the proposed tax cut. Democrats, either you vote for this tax cut or we will use it against you in your next election. We (Republicans) know the cut mostly benefits the wealthy and will cause us to go into a deficit, but go ahead and vote against it, we dare you.

Then came 9-11. The Republicans’ message was, “The president now has the upper hand, power and popularity.” Either you support him or you are unpatriotic. We (Republicans) don’t care if you are a triple-amputee war hero from Georgia, if you don’t succumb to our pressure, we will attack you as a nonsupporter.

The president then spent millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to fly Air Force One around to campaign for the Republicans. The subtle message was, if you as voters, don’t support Republican candidates, you are also unpatriotic and helping the opposition.

I urge fellow Democrats to pray for a leader to emerge and hope his last name does not rhyme with 2004.

Don Bretthauer,
