Policing seat belts

To the editor:

To whoever wrote to Sound Off on April 10 about our police officers not wearing seat belts: Thank You! Yes, we do have police officers that do wear their seat belts, but what really bugs me is to see a carload of children without their seat belts or car seats and a police officer passes them and does not pull them over. It is a state law to wear seat belts. Right? There are signs all over this state that say we are watching Buckle Up. Where are you?

This town is still small enough to know the same people that don’t have their children in car seats we need to start getting them and making them pay the price for putting their children in danger. Thank you to the police officers that do care about our children. This is what I would do to bust every parent that does not go by the law: Sit outside of every day care and preschool and you will be amazed.

Ashley Latham,
