Harmful crusade

To the editor:

It’s sad to read about all the state’s threatened budget cuts to schools and infrastructure these days. We didn’t have to worry about these issues a couple of years ago when the economy was thriving, producing healthy tax revenues. It would be nice if the economy would rebound.

It’s especially sad that one state official, out of her own self-interest, is holding back an economic recovery. I’m referring to Atty. Gen. Carla Stovall and her increasingly tiresome crusade against Microsoft. Apparently her only motivation for this is the campaign contributions she received from Microsoft’s competitors, as reported by the National Journal Group.

Stovall probably figured it was easy money. Persecuting far-off Microsoft couldn’t possibly adversely affect Kansas, so why not jump on the dogpile? But what Stovall failed to understand is that Microsoft was the linchpin of the national economy, and its hobbling led to the dire straits we now face.

The remedies proposed by the state AGs are unbelievable. One would require Microsoft to sell 4,096 versions of Windows. Microsoft has enough trouble testing and supporting ONE version; can you imagine what a nightmare 4,096 would be? This is an excellent example of why lawyers should not design software.

If you would like to help alleviate our budget crunch, tell Atty. Gen. Stovall that school quality and highway maintenance mean more to you than her campaign fund, and ask her to accept the DOJ settlement.

Tony Miller,
