Attack mode

To the editor:

Regarding the article on Democrats trashing the White House causing $15,000 in damage. How much did the yearlong investigation cost?

This administration is always in an attack mode. Right after President Carter came back from Cuba, President Bush was on TV cutting down the Cuban leaders and everything Cuban, including no open elections. Was what happened in Florida an open election or a stolen one with the sanction of the Supreme Court.

The Vietnam War was very unpopular. Many avoided induction calls, and with these I have no complaints. But G.W. Bush answered his induction, passed the physical, was assigned to a base in Alabama and never showed up! This according to a book by Molly Ivins titled “Shrub.” A deserter indeed!

I am a veteran of four years in World War II, one year in 5th Air Force in which we nurses flew with the task forces that brought supplies to the fighting areas and put up litters to take the wounded back south to a hospital ships.

These young men so hurting, so quiet, so brave. Compare that to Bush’s words as he flew willy-nilly around the country after 9/11. His words? “I wanted to be out of harms way,” not “I did it for the good of the nation.”

Olive Moses,
