Mideast view

To the editor:

Professor Deborah Gerner, an academic specialist in conflict negotiation, says she hopes to “balance out” the pro-Israel sentiments of this country. She evidently does so by giving pro-Palestinian public relations advice (i.e., show public sympathy for civilian deaths when your suicide bombers are sent out to kill); by discussing the Palestinian “electoral” process (yesterday, two more Palestinians were publicly lynched for being moderates); and by having her hand kissed and peace lauded by Yasser Arafat (the obviously “peace-seeking” Camp David hold-out).

Gerner notes the “puzzling” fact that so much of the world supports Palestine over Israel. Anti-Semitism has a long tradition in Europe and much of the world. Moreover, anti-Israeli alliances and propaganda were actively promoted by the recent Soviet Union. Israel shares with the United States the envy and hatred of affected parts of the world.

What Gerner seems to miss in her efforts to “speak to the light in every person” is that Arafat and the Arabs in general do not want Israel to exist at all. No wonder Arafat holds out on every peace proposal by the United States. He hopes to pressure for the “return” of Palestinians to Israel, where by population they could overwhelm and control Israel.

It is as a Quaker that Gerner is now returning to the Mideast. She will be among the few Christians left in Arab-controlled areas. We will watch for her transforming influence with the likes of Lebanon and Jordan.

Jesse Newman,
