Jaimes tribute

To the editor:

I want to tell you all the story of when I went to my older sister’s ninth-grade recognition at Central Junior High School in 1983. I don’t know how she felt or what the other students thought as Daniel Jaimes told them that what they did for the rest of their lives, whatever they became, would reflect on their school and that they would be Mustangs forever. I, however, was mesmerized. Hoping no one could see, I wiped away tears. And to think, in two more years I would be a part of that school, too!

My years at Central were some of my best. I saw my principal nearly every day, keeping order in the halls, once in a while substituting a class, or just stopping to say “hi” to let you know that you were important and that he noticed what you were doing. It was if he had great plans for each of us, and it was our challenge to live up to them.

I was and am proud to be from “his” school.

I know I should not be sad for you, Mr. Jaimes. I cry for the rest of us those of us still struggling to be the best Mustangs we can and those students who will never know you.

Sarah Ashley Posch,
