Not for children

To the editor:

You and a friend are in the theater with a full house watching a 7:05 p.m. showing of “Road to Perdition” a bloody R-rated film featuring the Chicago Mafia of the ’30s. During a quiet, intense scene, a loud voice from a small child age 3 to 5 asks a question. But wait, there’s more than one youngster viewing this R-rated film. Another child speaks out, and so it goes throughout the movie.

What manner of parent would allow his/her youngster to view cold-blooded killings on the big screen. Not only have they managed to spoil the evening for the movie-going audience, but worse, they may have damaged the psyche of their little tots who lack the ability to differentiate between fiction and reality.

Perhaps the theater or the community should provide assistance to parents who cannot afford a baby sitter when they attend a movie made for adult viewing.

One must wonder what sort of television fare these folks allow their youngsters to see.

Bob Lewis,
