Important symbol

To the editor:

The symbols of our country elicit strong emotions and reinforce the ideas of our culture with a visual snapshot, instead of an onslaught of verbiage. The flag, a picture of our president, and the cross say so much by just being present. What people do with these symbols says much about them as individuals.

The numerous displays of the cross by the side of the road say to me:

Someone has died here, most likely in a car accident.

Their family and friends miss them and want this symbol to act as a memorial to them.

All who pass on this road should remember to be cautious and to always drive safely.

The person who died here was a Christian and has been received into heaven for life eternal.

What does it say to us when we see our country’s flag is stomped on or burned? What message was given when our firefighters raised the flag over the World Trade Center remains? What does it say to us when someone tears down a cross that is erected to remember those who have passed through an auto accident? What does it say about the person/people who have repeatedly torn down the cross(es) erected to remember the April 2001 passing of Peter Swalm on County Road 458?

There are some symbols that should not be touched by others. Peter’s cross should not have been torn down. His family and friends deserve this symbol of peace.

Katie Bolt-Goeke,
