Butchered trees

To the editor:

Being a quiet man, with a modest education, I’m uncomfortable making waves in a public forum, but feel compelled to do so.

I will preface my complaint, if you will, by saying I understand the power companies must keep their lines clear in order to provide service to their customers, myself being one of these.

Until recently, my family had been in the landscaping and tree trimming business for almost a century. They contracted with the power and telephone companies as well as citizens in this area. They knew their business and never left a property without consulting with the owner or renter to get their approval on the job or explaining why it was necessary to do the job the way it was done.

I can assure you, had they left property the way it looks along east 19th Street, they would not have been in business very long.

If anyone needs to be convinced of this, just take an evening drive around east Lawrence and maybe shed a tear for these beautiful old trees that have been butchered. I have a once-beautiful old maple that appears to have been hit by a tornado. I wonder how the properties in Old West Lawrence will look if these crews are allowed to get that far.

This letter probably won’t get far, but I have “vented” and feel much better.

Del Reed,
