Divorce help

To the editor:

Let’s just abolish marriage altogether. That guarantees there will be no divorce. For the few who do find true love and feel the need to prove it with a piece of paper, that’s as absurd as making something already difficult more difficult.

Instead of supporting proposals that fight the inevitable, let’s encourage politicians to make it easier to take that courageous leap. Let’s set up programs that provide support, guidance and help to those who need to get out of a damaging, unhealthy relationship. Too many people endure pain and misery for the sake of righteousness. From one who knows, this does not benefit the children.

Let’s set up programs for children and adult children of divorce where feelings can be communicated and discussed, legitimized and accepted in an open nonstressful environment. Kids will be much better off with two people who are happy apart rather than with two who are miserable together. Let’s encourage healing not suffering.

Becky Bridson,
