Insurance thanks

To the editor:

I want to thank Kathleen Sebelius for rejecting Anthem. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, which is very good. I read all the papers that were sent to me about the sale. They sent pages and pages of fine-printed legal jargon. In order to vote against the sale you had to fill out a complicated form exactly right. If you did not vote, or if you filled out your ballot incorrectly, your vote was counted in favor of the sale.

They talked about giving $1,500 to each member, but in the packet I received it said that we would receive less than one third of that amount. My premiums are just under $1,000 a month now for an HMO plan. Had Anthem been allowed to purchase Blue Cross Blue Shield, I am sure the premiums, and the co-pays would have gone up, while the services would have been cut back. Thank you, Kathleen Sebelius; for your brave stand, you can count on my vote.

Lois Schneider,
