Daily deaths

To the editor:

Did you know an estimated 4,000 persons died in America yesterday and another 4,000 persons died in America the day before that and another 4,000 persons died in America the day before that, etc.? There are an estimated 4,000 persons, made in the image and likeness of God, that die in America every day because of abortion. The estimated total of unique individuals killed in America since Jan. 22, 1973, is over 41 million.

Some people believe that abortion is safe for women. Here in the state of Kansas, in May 1980, a woman’s uterus was perforated by an abortionist in Wichita (Sedgwick County District Court Case 82C1309). In January 1989, another woman was having health problems and the same abortionist informed her she had an ectopic pregnancy and must have an abortion to save her life. Afterward the woman learned her pregnancy and fetus were normal (Sedgwick Co. District Court Case 92C1280). For more cases read the book “Lime 5,” by Mark Crutcher, published by Life Dynamics, Inc.

Many men mourn for the children they have lost through abortion also.

Abortion ends the life of a human being and hurts women. When will it stop?

Donna Roush,
