Daily terror

To the editor:

This letter is one of the responses to the statements made by Danne Hautmann regarding the Middle East crisis, especially the attempts to trivialize the Holocaust and centuries of Jewish persecution. I lived in Israel for a year and witnessed terrorism first-hand, riding public buses with armed soldiers and seeing armed soldiers on the sidewalks and streets.

My experience with anxiety, fear, and anger was relatively brief. Americans have not yet lived with the daily terror that occurs, and has occurred for years, in Israel. Our experience of terrorism, outrage, and striking back began last September. Yes, the Palestinians deserve peace and quality of life as do Israelis; innocents are being killed on both sides. The crisis will not be resolved if constant terror and fear continue.

It is interesting to note that many Americans condemn the Israeli response to terrorism while our country is waging war against terrorism in Afghanistan and other countries.

Suzanne Lange,
