Bush support

To the editor:

I must respond to Tuesday’s letter to the editor, “Tough guy?”

First of all, 80 out of 100 Americans couldn’t disagree with you more regarding President Bush’s handling of foreign affairs.

He has built an unprecedented alliance of nations who also believe that terrorism must be sought out and destroyed if the world is to live without fear.

Secondly, I am sure you mean well, but taking the high moral ground when dealing with terrorists, simply puts our citizenry at risk for another World Trade Center-type of attack. What if the next terrorist attack were to take place in Lawrence, and someone you know and love dies? My guess is that your comment would be that Bush didn’t do enough to stop terrorism. Wake up and smell the coffee, you can’t have your cake and eat it to.

You talk about Bush being coldly indifferent to any human life; I believe he honors the lives of our citizens who were murdered in cold blood, without remorse, and he stands as a leader whose campaign is to make sure Sept. 11 never happens again.

As for the 2004 election. I hope and pray that George Bush is elected again, as he makes me proud to be an American.

Terry Jacobsen,
