Plans filed for new self-storage complex in eastern Lawrence; new apartment building near LMH; work continues on golf course
Let’s look at some news and notes from around town:
• The eastern edge of Lawrence doesn’t have a welcome sign, but if it did, it should include a message that says “we’re glad you are here, but we are really glad you brought all your stuff.” The area along east 23rd Street near the city limits already is home to two large self storage businesses, and now plans have been filed for a third.
This latest business will have 365 mini-storage units, and will be located on a vacant lot that is just east of the existing Professional Moving and Storage business and just west of the ready-mix concrete plant.
The plans don’t indicate the new project is an extension of Professional Moving and Storage, which operates a large self-storage business already. Instead, the plan lists the project name as Adamite Secure Storage, which appears to be a newly registered company in Kansas.
The project calls for a mix of traditional mini-storage units, plus more elaborate units that are fully climate controlled. Plans call for 224 of the units to be “indoor climate-controlled storage.” All in all, it will be a large new addition to the area, with plans calling for just less than 70,000 square feet of buildings on the approximately 6-acre site at 3560 Thomas Court.
• Plans have been filed to construct a 30-unit apartment building in the neighborhood near Lawrence Memorial Hospital.
The plans propose a three-story building for the southeast corner of Third and Florida streets. With the parking lot, the development stretches all the way to the southwest corner of Third and Michigan streets.
The building would have 20 one-bedroom apartments and 10 and two-bedroom apartments, according to the plans. The property is about a block east of the LMH Health campus.
The project, though, will have some significant approvals it will need to win from City Hall before it can move forward. Much of the property is zoned for single-family residential development. The developers, listed as Baldwin-based LMK Construction, are seeking a rezoning to an RM-32 multifamily zoning designation. Some of the neighborhood is zoned for RM-24 multifamily development, which gives the project a chance to argue that multifamily zoning would be appropriate for the vacant lot. However, the RM-32 zoning designation is a more intense multifamily zoning than the neighboring RM-32.
The project will need to have hearings at both the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission and the Lawrence City Commission before it can move forward.
• You thought your lawn maintenance projects were intense this summer, but I bet they were nothing compared to what’s been going on at the Twin Oaks Golf Complex along Kansas Highway 10 between Lawrence and Eudora.
Motorists have been watching for months as the new owners there have done a massive amount of grading on the driving range portion of the site, and have rebuilt and reseeded the greens on the pitch and putt portion of the complex.
Now there has been a new set of plans filed for the location, which has been closed for more than a year. The new plans aren’t particularly exciting. They just list some locations for some structures that will support a large driving range net and lighting for the facility.
However, more noteworthy is a statement made on the plans that indicates a more significant building project is in the works.
“The type of use for the facility remains the same,” the note on the application reads. “Another building project is in the works (plans are coming soon,) but this will allow us to go ahead with the net construction and lighting so we don’t miss our opportunity to plant grass next month.”
People have wondered whether the project will include some more advanced driving range options, like a Top Golf facility. There were plans for that with a previous group, but this latest owner — Brandon Yates, an electrical contractor in the Kansas City area — hasn’t mentioned that concept the few times I’ve talked with him. Such a concept would require more construction seemingly.
However, the site only has one small clubhouse building, so maybe there are plans to do something more substantial on that front as well.
In short, I don’t know what the future project may be. But as I frequently say on the golf course, I’ll look around and let you know if I find anything. (This search won’t even require the use of a machete.)