Jenkins had missed meetings on her calendar

State Treasurer Lynn Jenkins had meetings of the Kansas Public Employees Retirements System board written in her schedule for July, August and September, but failed to attend them, according to copies of her schedule provided by the treasurer’s office.Jenkins’ absence from the meetings has become an issue in her campaign to represent the 2nd Congressional District, which includes west Lawrence.As state treasurer, Jenkins is a member of the KPERS board. Her opponent in the congressional race, U.S. Rep. Nancy Boyda, D-Topeka, and the Kansas Democratic Party have criticized Jenkins for missing the July 18, Aug. 14, and Sept. 19 meetings of the KPERS board, a period in which KPERS assets decreased by nearly $1.1 billion because of the troubled stock market.Jenkins has said she was busy during that time period, but hasn’t specified why she missed those meetings.The Lawrence Journal-World received copies of Jenkins’ schedule on those meeting dates after filing a request under the Kansas Open Records Act. The dates have portions blocked out for the KPERS meetings but almost nothing else, according to the copies provided by the state treasurer’s office.