Change could happen in Kansas, too

Let’s play what-if. If Democratic Sen. Barack Obama is elected president, many think Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, an ardent supporter of Obama’s, will be selected by him to be a member of his Cabinet. Should that occur, Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson, the Kansas Republican Party chairman who turned Democrat, becomes governor. And regardless of the outcome of the presidential race, a handful of state House and Senate races could determine whether there are changes in leadership in those chambers. House Speaker Melvin Neufeld, R-Ingalls, may face a challenge for his leadership job by state Rep. Mike O’Neal, R-Hutchinson, and Republican conservatives in the Senate have made it known they are unhappy with Senate President Steve Morris, R-Hugoton. There is talk that there could be challenges in the Democratic leadership ranks as well. So, come January when the 2009 legislative session starts, a whole new lineup could be in charge of state government.