
CRAVE: Kale, bacon upgrade grilled cheese to adult level

Satisfying, tasty and quick, a grilled cheese is a weeknight staple for a reason. But we use a couple tricks to spruce it up, taking it from an after-school kids’ treat to a meal an adult would love. First, we don’t shy away from a bit of cooking before assembling the sandwich, as in this ...

CRAVE: Lemony olive oil sauce enriches Greek meatballs

In Greek cooking, lemon and whipped eggs are a classic — and essential — combination. It’s called avgolemono, a creamy but tart combination used to thicken sauces and soups, and that gives so many Greek dishes their characteristic tangy richness. The eggs are beaten until frothy while ...

CRAVE: Eggplant pita shows power of a quick pickle

One pillar of Milk Street’s approach to cooking is contrast — we pair tangy flavors with sweet, and creamy textures with crispy ones. And that’s why we often use quick pickles in our cooking; they cover many of those bases at once. In this recipe from our book “Tuesday Nights ...

CRAVE: For juicy chicken skewers, think strips, not chunks

When grilled perfectly, chicken skewers come away from the fire tender and smoky. Except perfection on a grill can be elusive; they just as easily finish tough and overcooked. To ensure juicy, luscious chicken skewers every time, we started by rethinking the cut of meat. Though breast meat is ...

CRAVE: Cool down with Spain’s ‘other’ famous chilled soup

Salmorejo is Spain’s lesser known but creamier tomato-based chilled soup. It has fewer than half the ingredients of gazpacho, but is no less flavorful thanks to a topping of savory ham and hard-cooked egg. The version we tasted in Seville had a consistency thick enough to be a crudités ...