Seen it?

No more chemically processed pink goo at McDonald’s, and the mystery of the McRib

By now you may have seen the bizarre photo of pink goo - more milkshake than meat - which in reality was a pre-production hamburger patty, treated with ammonium hydroxide, a chemical found in household cleaners and fertilizer. It's also used to kill bacteria. It was also used in burgers from ...

A UFO in Cowley County?

Was that really a UFO being driven down U.S. 77 in Cowley County? That’s what residents thought when they saw a 32-foot thing on the back of a flatbed truck Monday. “It was this funny sphere that went through on this big trailer, and my first thought was that looks like a ...

When Kennedy was killed

Forty-eight years ago, President Kennedy was shot and killed. It’s one of the moments in American history where those who experienced the tragedy don't hesitate remembering where they were, much as my generation will recall what we were doing on 9/11. Shock and sadness hung over the ...

Hello, Lawrence! An introduction, and a change on

It’s been three weeks since I took over as digital editor of and the Lawrence Journal-World, and in the whirlwind of starting a new job and clawing my way through the dozens of cardboard boxes that now clutter my home, I’ve neglected to say hello and introduce myself to ...

Jayhawk fan nominates Bill Self to lead the Fed

Sometimes – well, often, really – the Internet gives us a chance to chuckle at things that are serious. In the case of the Occupy Wall Street movement, where clarity about pretty much anything is lacking, one man at an Occupy Denver rally knows what he stands for. He is a ...

Comings and goings here at

I'm very excited today to introduce you to [Alex Parker][1], our new digital editor here at Alex will replace Whitney Mathews, who you'll all remember [left and The World Company][2] just before July 4 this year. It's taken us a little longer than we would have liked ...