Profiles of Bill Lacy, Simran Sethi

¢ The hometown paper of Bill Lacy, the Cookeville (Tenn.) Herald-Citizen, ran a long profile today on Lacy. He is the director of the Dole Institute of Politics at Kansas University and recently was named director of the exploratory campaign of Fred Thompson._”I got involved in large part because my dad was and still believes in public service,” Lacy said. “He was a local official and state representative. I got very interested at an early age.”_¢ Speaking of profiles, the Winston-Salem Journal has a story today on Simran Sethi, a native of Winston-Salem who now lives in Lawrence. She’s an environmental journalist who currently is co-host and writer for “The Green” on the Sundance Channel._”What people often call me is an eco-expert, an environmental journalist,” Sethi, 36, said by phone from her home in Lawrence, Kan.__”I try to expand those things out. What I’d like to do is push this conversation we’re having about environmentalism to address issues of sustainability,” she said._