Law enforcement report ¢ Lawrence police are investigating a report that a 23-year-old Lawrence man illegally touched a 19-year-old Lawrence woman in October 2005 at a south Lawrence residence. ¢ Police are also investigating a report that a 21-year-old man illegally touched a 20-year-old ...
Law enforcement report Burglaries and thefts reported ¢ The Kansas University Public Safety Office reported the theft of a camera valued at $4,895 occurred between May 20 and Thursday from a storage room in the art and design building on Jayhawk Boulevard. ¢ A 27-year-old Lawrence man ...
Law enforcement report Burglaries and thefts reported ¢ A Lawrence man reported to police that $2,050 worth of electronic equipment was stolen during an auto burglary. Items reported stolen include two 15-inch subwoofers, two 1,600-watt amplifiers and a 7-inch Sony TV. The crime occurred ...
Law enforcement report Burglaries and thefts reported ¢ A 44-year-old Lawrence woman reported Tuesday that two Social Security insurance checks were stolen from the 2200 block of Yale Road. The estimated loss is approximately $5,911. The incident occurred between May 13 and Tuesday.Emergency ...
Law enforcement report ¢ A 2008 Chevy Impala, which was reported stolen earlier by an Avis car rental employee in Kansas City, Mo., was recovered May 14 in the 2300 block of Surrey Drive. The car was valued at $15,000. ¢ A 56-year-old Leavenworth man reported a theft to Leavenworth police ...
Law enforcement report Burglaries and thefts reported ¢ A 46-year-old Lawrence man reported a hearing aid and two batteriens in a black leather case were stolen between Monday and Wednesday from the 2200 block of West Sixth Street. The total loss is estimated at $1,200. ¢ A 27-year-old ...