Larryville Mom

Working Moms Do Not Have it Easier This May marks a year since I left my full-time office gig to be at home with my girls. Granted, I still work (from home), but my life is very different than it was when I was at a 9 to 5 most of the day. There are things that I miss ...

We Should Really Call it Grandmother’s Day

Mother’s Day is now 18 days away. I didn’t realize how close it was until my brother called on Monday to discuss plans for my mom this year. I’m gonna be real here. I’m dreading Mother’s Day. Why? Because Hallmark, Pinterest, and every commercial on TV have done nothing but set ...

Excuse Me While I Breastfeed My Seven-Year-Old I still remember the day very vividly. I was waiting tables at the Lawrence Old Chicago (may it rest in peace) and I walked up to my first table of the day to take their drink orders. When I looked down, I was horrified to see a mom ...

The Easter Bunny: The Stuff of Nightmares

Dying eggs, chocolate bunnies, Grandma’s potato salad — these are all things that come to mind when I think of Easter. They are things that I’m excited to pass down to my children as we continue to establish our own [holiday traditions][1]. There’s one thing from my childhood that I’m ...

I’m Becoming My Mother

“If you took better care of your things, they wouldn’t get broken.” As soon as the words escaped my mouth last week, I cringed at the flashback of my mother telling me the same sentence, word-for-word as a kid. I was notorious for losing things, misplacing things, and being ...

I’m a vaccinator There is a [measles outbreak in New York][1]. As a parent, reading headlines about this is pretty concerning. As a parent of a child who has yet to receive her MMR vaccine, it’s terrifying. Vaccines are one of the hot button topics ...