I Heart Local Music

Fun with Lawrence music on YouTube

It's Friday, and because I love you I've decided to give you something fun to watch at work while you're counting down the hours until the weekend starts. Sssh!! Don't tell the boss! I've been spending a lot of time geeking out on YouTube lately, and decided to showcase some fun Lawrence ...

The Faint is strobe-tastic

Well, I hope you like robots. Murderous robots with piercing eyes that are going to steal your soul. Because that's what I was met with at The Granada last night. The entire stage was decorated with them. I was scared out of my mind. The tin-foil-ish statues were even dolled up in little ...

Redemption for Paul Van Dyk

Last year at around this time I wrote about the worst show I had even been to. We had traveled to Chicago to see Paul Van Dyk, and everything that could possibly go wrong with a show did go wrong with that show. This year, Paul Van Dyk returned to the Midwest, but to Kansas City this ...

Split Lip Rayfield on Adult Swim

So...Split Lip Rayfield is going to be on a cartoon about a bunch of redneck squids. Evidently, there's going to be some sort of Squidbillies musical on Sunday night, featuring a slew of fantastic folk acts. Imagine my surprise (and delight) when I saw Split Lip Rayfield's photo pop up ...

Extra Classic is extra awesome

On Friday I was walking on sunshine all day, in anticipation of seeing Extra Classic at the Taproom. It was about this time last year that I saw Dri perform there, and now the Queen of the Lawrence music scene returned with a new band and plenty of ear candy. The taproom was packed with ...

Feeling the love at Fiesta

The first time I went to St. John's Mexican Fiesta in Lawrence was about three years ago. The dancing area was packed full of sweaty people cutting a rug while the band played on stage. I saw a couple with a new baby, they kept tossing him up at the air, catching him and giving him little ...