Free State High School students recognized at digital media competition
Digital projects made by five Free State High School students were recognized over the weekend at the eMagine Media Festival.
The festival gives awards to high school digital media students in four categories: video, animation, Web design and graphic design.
Each category has various subcategories — music video, character animation, blog — totaling more than 20 different digital topics.
Over 400 entries representing 19 districts in Kansas and Missouri were submitted to the festival, which took place at Olathe Northwest High School. The following Free State students had their work recognized in the competition:
• Elizabeth Runyan, infographic, third place
• Goldie Schmiedeler, infographic, top 5
• Samantha Diaz, manipulated digital photograph, second place
• Marie Boncella, manipulated digital photograph, top 5
• Nick Popiel, documentary, top 5
In other news and notes:
– The New York Elementary garden
club will meet from 3:05 p.m. to 4:20
– The Prairie Park Elementary PTA
will meet from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
– The Quail Run Elementary track
club will meet from 8 a.m. to 8:30
– The Sunflower Elementary ESL
Womens Group will meet at 4:20 p.m.
The PTO will meet at 7 p.m.
– The area orchestra concert will
be at South Middle School at 7:30
Lunch menu options:
Elementary school level
Main dish: super nachos; parfait with muffin; peanut butter and jelly with string cheese; chef salad with breadstick
Sides: perfect pinto beans, frozen fruit cup, salad bar, tomato salsa, milk
Middle school level
Main dish: super nachos; parfait with muffin; peanut butter and jelly with string cheese; chef salad with breadstick; hamburger; fish sandwich
Sides: perfect pinto beans, frozen fruit cup, salad bar, fruit juice, tomato salsa, fresh fruit, milk
High school level
Main dish: meatloaf with roll; chicken and noodles; cereal with string cheese; parfait with muffin; deli bar; veggie shaker; peanut butter and jelly with string cheese; daily sandwiches
Sides: mashed potatoes with gravy, roasted cauliflower, mandarin oranges, fruit juice, fresh fruit, frozen fruit cup, fruit sorbet, over potatoes, salad bar, milk