
The Washington Post, beginning Nov. 1, 2019, will allow its syndicated columns to appear only in print. The columns will still be available as part of our e-edition newspaper online, but they will not be available as separate pieces on our website, ljworld.com. These columnists include George Will, David Ignatius, Michael Gerson and others. This does not affect other columnists like Leonard Pitts, Mona Charen, Connie Schultz and Mark Shields, who are not affiliated with the Washington Post.

Opinion: Facing uncomfortable partisan realities

Like many of you, I’ve seen volunteers for the United Kansas Party over the past few months collecting signatures to gain ballot access as a legitimate political party. I’m happy to see them out there, even though their efforts imply something, I think, quite different from their ...

Letter to the editor: Responding to protesters

To the editor: I write in response to your article about the “Palestine solidarity group” that gathered on KU’s campus and issued certain demands of the administration. I appreciated that your article listed all four of them. They included: (1) KU divest from organizations that profit ...

Opinion: J.D. Vance as vice president? He used to hate Trump

Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio has begun to remind me of an old saying about Chicago weather: If you don’t like it, just wait a few minutes. The same could be said — and some people do say it — about Vance’s big flip-flop from Trump critic to the reputed short list of possible ...

Opinion: Menthol cigarette ban was a bad idea

The Biden administration recently stopped a plan to ban the sale of menthol cigarettes. The excellent arguments for why they are dangerous were overcome by good arguments for why making them illegal didn’t make sense. In a world of optimal health, no one would be smoking menthol ...

Opinion: No, Columbia isn’t complicit in ‘genocide’

As Morningside Heights goes, so goes the Levant. This is the childishly self-dramatizing conceit that’s been driving the pro-Hamas protests at Columbia University, with similar ideas playing into protests elsewhere. It allows students living privileged lives at elite universities to ...

Letter to the editor: Safer streets

To the editor: In light of a recent, deeply troubling crash that resulted in one man’s death and three people being seriously injured, it is worth noting that the city has recently begun efforts to create a Vision Zero Action Plan. Vision Zero is an international movement to eliminate ...