Photo gallery: Lotsa llamas at the Douglas County Fair

photo by: Richard Gwin

Llama judging at the Douglas County Fair drew few entries but a lot of onlookers.

photo by: Richard Gwin

Matthew Kelso of Eudora along with his llama, Spirit.

photo by: Richard Gwin

Matthew Kelso of Eudora along with his llama, Spirit, drew inspiration from "The Blues Brothers" at the Douglas County Fair.

photo by: Richard Gwin

Milena Hubbell of the Clinton Eagles 4-H club gives her Lama, Dalai, a kiss at the Douglas County Fair.

photo by: Richard Gwin

Piper and Milena Hubbell of the Clinton Eagles 4-H club with their llama, Dalai.

photo by: Richard Gwin

Piper Hubbell of the Clinton Eagles 4-H club urges his llama, Tina, to go through a hula hoop.

photo by: Richard Gwin

Milena and Piper Hubbell of the Clinton Eagles 4-H club work with their lamas, Dalai and Tina.

photo by: Richard Gwin

Milena Hubbell of the Clinton Eagles 4-H Club works with her llama, Dalai, on jumping a board Monday in anticipation of the Douglas County Fair competition. Her brother Piper, also in 4-H, works on training another llama, Tina.