Your Turn

To submit a lengthier opinion piece about a topic of public interest, please email your submission to and indicate that you would like it to be considered for a “Your Turn” column. Submissions must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Your Turn: Don’t put solar plant on uniquely valuable farmland

As a former Douglas County commissioner, I want to commend the county for its effort to lead on renewable energy. I know from experience it’s hard work, even painful, to bring big, new ideas forward and then be met with opposition. Unfortunately, I find myself on that side of the county these ...

Your Turn: Nonprofit’s plan will only traumatize the houseless

Lawrence has a housing crisis. Affordable housing has evaporated over the past decade, further emphasizing cracks in the local care economy. The city’s lagging attempts at progressive houseless outreach have consumed the patience and resources allotted to them. This is made even more ...

Your Turn: Maintaining biodiversity has to become a collective responsibility

We are attracted to the iconic, beautiful and most mysterious of species. Their conservation becomes a matter of concern. These are the shiny objects of conservation. Lesser known but, perhaps equally important species, are ignored with many slipping away to low numbers and virtual, if not ...

Your Turn: Is our democracy prepared for emotions taking over?

Are we finally coming to the realization that authoritarian leaders appeal to human emotions? While democratic government is filled with emotion, at its base is an intellectual underpinning of governance. Years ago, psychologist Wilfred Bion wrote that groups have a “work” profile and an ...

Your Turn: An important election looms ahead

Sept. 20 was a banner day. Sparkling sunshine, early hints of autumn — and a caravan, driving to Topeka to file cards with the Public Employee Relations Board, or PERB, calling for a union election at Lawrence’s largest employer: the University of Kansas. Filing those cards, signed ...

Your Turn: A CNA’s plea for change: Increase staffing in nursing homes

Starting my journey as a certified nurse assistant, or CNA, at the age of 15, I was brimming with hope and an earnest eagerness to make a difference, oblivious to the challenges and intricacies that lay ahead in this profession. I find myself at the heart of an agonizing dilemma. My name is ...