Your Turn

To submit a lengthier opinion piece about a topic of public interest, please email your submission to and indicate that you would like it to be considered for a “Your Turn” column. Submissions must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Your Turn: Lawrence has a housing affordability problem

A national trend is being felt right here in Lawrence. The convergence of increasing costs of land, labor, materials, permitting and regulatory requirements has made it nearly impossible for developers and home builders to invest in moderately priced housing. As a result, our community has a ...

Boys & Girls Club executive director: Club leaders, community came together on project

My role as CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer) here at the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence has been a very rewarding and humbling experience for me the past six years. I have learned a lot and have been fortunate to be part of an organization that recently accomplished a goal that we had been ...

Your Turn: Bert Nash committed to core values

In its nearly 70-year history, the Bert Nash Center has witnessed many changes and challenges. But one thing remains constant: our commitment to our core values of compassion, integrity and equity, on a foundation of hope. Those values are at the very heart of what we do, and they always will ...

Your Turn: Supreme Court justices should have term limits

Life tenure for Supreme Court Justices, combined with increasing partisan polarization, is a toxic combination that is poisoning our democracy. It is time to find a better way that preserves judicial independence while reducing the level of conflict over nominations. A move to a nonrenewable ...

Your Turn: Lawmakers working together on climate

In 1970 after establishing the EPA, President Nixon said, “Restoring nature to its natural state is a cause beyond political party and beyond factions.” In that spirit, it will take courage, commitment and vision to address the growing threat of climate change. During Citizen’s Climate ...

Your Turn: Becoming a better problem solver in the courts

Recently, Douglas County voters narrowly rejected a proposition to remodel and increase the size of the Douglas County Jail and to fund the construction of a crisis intervention center. Faced with jail overcrowding and the continued need for crisis intervention programs in the community, the ...