National Columns

The Washington Post, beginning Nov. 1, 2019, will allow its syndicated columns to appear only in print. The columns will still be available as part of our e-edition newspaper online, but they will not be available as separate pieces on our website, These columnists include George Will, David Ignatius, Michael Gerson and others. This does not affect other columnists like Leonard Pitts, Mona Charen, Connie Schultz and Mark Shields, who are not affiliated with the Washington Post.

Opinion: Jan. 6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson is an American hero

The House Jan. 6 Committee reportedly decided to rush Cassidy Hutchinson’s public testimony out of concern for her personal safety. They have good reason to worry. Consider what Brad Raffensperger, Rusty Bowers, Shaye Moss, Ruby Freeman and too many others to list have been subjected to. ...

Opinion: Wouldn’t the GOP like to be free?

Dear Republicans: That’s what a free woman looks like. Meaning, of course, Cassidy Hutchinson, a young former aide in Donald Trump’s White House, who appeared before the House committee investigating the attempted coup of Jan. 6. Free of the need to defend the indefensible or ...

Opinion: Moral zombies in our government

Perhaps the most permanent image to come out of Tuesday’s hearing into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol was of the clean-shaven Chief of Staff Mark Meadows bustling about to help Donald Trump overthrow the United States government. What do you want, sir? Do you want me to call the ...

Opinion: Progress has lurched backward

This is not just another setback. Anyone who’s lived long enough has seen the Supreme Court issue a ruling they didn’t like. This is not that. No, what made the ruling that felled Roe v. Wade and its companion case, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, more than just another disappointment, what ...

Opinion: The shame of the Supreme Court

If there’s any doubt about the extremism of the Supreme Court’s six Republican appointees, it was on full display with their opinion in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overrules Roe v. Wade, establishing the right to an abortion. Roe had been the law of the land for ...

Opinion: St. Teresa has bad news for GOP

“There are more tears shed over answered prayers than unanswered prayers,” St. Teresa of Avila said. Republicans may soon learn just how that works. It used to be that Republican politicians with no fixed views on abortion could pray loudly for an end to Roe v. Wade. They knew that their ...