Letter to the editor: Cruel, vulgar comments
To the editor:
The work of public officials and staff on the nearly 35 local boards and commissions is an important foundation for the quality of life we enjoy in Lawrence and Douglas County. Whether citizen volunteers or full-time elected officials and their staffs, whether city or county, school board or agencies, our hard-working fellow community members deserve to conduct the business of Lawrence and Douglas County in an environment of mutual respect.
Too often, our civic leaders and their colleagues are subjected by a small group of commenters to behavior that is vitriolic. While the overwhelming number of participants in public meetings voice opinions in a tone of mutual respect, the hostile and demeaning behavior of a few may chill the constructive dialogue needed to move the important work of our community forward.
According to a 2023 survey from the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School, more than 40% of local officials said they were less willing to run for reelection or higher office because of abuse.
As noted by the executive director of the National League of Cities, “It’s too easy to forget that our local leaders are also human. Along with their titles of ‘mayor,’ ‘councilmember’ or ‘commissioner’ – they are also parent, friend, neighbor, and so much more.”
I and The Chamber’s executive committee thank those elected officials and staff who return hurtful, cruel, and vulgar comments with professionalism and dignity.
You deserve our respect and gratitude.
Bonnie S. Lowe,
President & CEO of The Chamber and a former mayor of Lawrence