It is probably not in the cards for Douglas Girod to ever be a very popular chancellor at the University of Kansas. Fate has put him in charge during a time when higher education faces enormous challenges, and the tasks of leadership require him to make some difficult and unpopular decisions. ...
It is hard to deny that the University of Kansas has become a perennial doormat in college football. But it is equally as obvious that KU can’t allow itself to be in the rug business.
There are growing signs that current KU football coach Les Miles had extremely inappropriate conduct swept ...
Buying is almost always easier than getting buy-in. Lawrence City commissioners on Tuesday need to make sure they get the public’s buy-in before they agree to spend more than $1.3 million to add anywhere from 9.5 to 13.5 full-time positions to the city’s staff.
At their meeting on ...
A majority of city commissioners are correct to walk slowly down this sidewalk.
Three of five Lawrence city commissioners — Mayor Brad Finkeldei and Commissioners Stuart Boley and Lisa Larsen — all expressed reservations about an idea for the City of Lawrence to take over the financial ...
Editor’s Note: Views from Kansas is a regular feature that highlights editorials and other viewpoints from across the state.
There have been attempts by state legislators over the years to remove the requirements for local government entities to publish legal notices in newspapers. For any ...
On Feb. 3, members of the Kansas Athletics Inc. board were told the sobering news: The University of Kansas’ athletic department is now expecting about a $30 million decline in revenues for its current fiscal year.
But on Feb. 4, surely they were cheered up if they took the time to read the ...